
Business Hours

The hours that your therapist is available will be dependent on which therapist you are seeing, as all therapists set their own hours.

For new clients who are not yet seeing a therapist, see the contact information below to contact Sam Shump to schedule with one of our therapists, or contact the therapist you wish to schedule with directly at the email listed for them in their bio on "The Team" page.

Business hours for Sam Shump are 8 AM to 8 PM Monday through Wednesday, and 8 AM to 12 PM on Thursday.


As there is no physical office, there is no administrative or front desk staff. Each therapist manages their own caseload and administrative tasks.

New Clients: Email, or the Therapist you are interested in seeing, to start the intake process.

Health Care Professionals looking to coordinate care: Email or Fax (616) 585-0148

Mental Health Professionals seeking Employment: Please see the "Careers" page for more information on applying.


There is no office! Services are 100% and indefinitely telehealth only. This does not impact your insurance coverage of services.

Services are based on which state your therapist is licensed in. You must reside in the state that the therapist is licensed with in order to receive services from the therapist. All therapists have listed in their bios on "The Team" page which states they are licensed with. Our home state is in Michigan, and this is were most therapist are licensed.

Services are rendered over video. Audio only/Phone sessions may be utilized on occasion in the event that video is not available or not an option. When able, video is always preferred and encouraged for the sake of therapeutic rapport and due to insurance requirements.

All clients will receive a link to their telehealth sessions after completing the intake paperwork.